Record in the portfolio

For students to start using the teaching license course portfolio

How to log in to the teaching license course portfolio

When you log in to WebClass, a link for the teaching license portfolio will be displayed on the left menu of the course list screen. Clicking this link will take you to the teaching record screen.

course list

Teaching license course portfolio screen

You will see the following four tabs;

  • Self-assessment of necessary skills

  • Subjects record

  • Interviews record

  • Activities record (care practice report and teaching practice report)

  • Other activities related to the teaching license course


You can record your activities such as volunteer activity

other activity

Interviews record

You can record your interviews with the teachers.


Activities record (care practice report and teaching practice report)

You can upload care practice report file or teaching practice report file.


Self-assessment of necessary skills

You can enter your self-assessment. Data sheets are displayed and saved according to the academic grade. Input data will be displayed in the radar chart.

self assessment