Resister the portfolio

  1. The administrator decides the content of the portfolio. The content of the portfolio is described in the XML file.

  2. From the menu on the course list screen, click “Record of study and reflection” > “Reflective portfolio (management)”.

    course list to shugaku carte admin
  3. The study chart (management) screen is displayed. Click "Settings".

    shugaku carte admin to settings
  4. The study chart setting screen is displayed. You can register the XML file from here.

    shugaku carte admin settings

For the format of XML, please refer to Portfolio XML specification.

Below is a sample XML of the portfolio. Students can self-evaluate with Rubric and advisers can comment.

<doc id="sample"  title="必要な資質能力についての自己評価" order="0">
      <param name="profile.faclt" list-column="true"  edit-auth="self" label="学部"/>
      <param name="profile.dept" list-column="true"  edit-auth="self" label="学科"/>
      <param name="" list-column="false" edit-auth="self" label="写真"/>
      <static_card id="grade1" title="1年次">
        <field id="self-assessment" ref="self-assessment"/>
        <field id="comment" ref="comment"/>
        <field id="adviser-comment" ref="adviser-comment"/>
      <static_card id="grade2" title="2年次">
        <field id="self-assessment" ref="self-assessment"/>
        <field id="comment" ref="comment"/>
        <field id="adviser-comment" ref="adviser-comment"/>
      <static_card id="grade3" title="3年次">
        <field id="self-assessment" ref="self-assessment"/>
        <field id="comment" ref="comment"/>
        <field id="adviser-comment" ref="adviser-comment"/>
      <static_card id="grade4" title="4年次">
        <field id="self-assessment" ref="self-assessment"/>
        <field id="comment" ref="comment"/>
        <field id="adviser-comment" ref="adviser-comment"/>
      <appendable_card id="extracurricular" title="課外活動" append-auth="self">
        <field id="activity_date" ref="activity_date"/>
        <field id="activity_text" ref="activity_text"/>
    <field_template id="self-assessment" type="rubric" title="自己評価ルーブリック" edit-auth="self" require="true">
          <level value="1">全くできていない</level>
          <level value="2">あまりできていない</level>
          <level value="3">まあできている</level>
          <level value="4">よくできている</level>
          <level value="5">とてもよくできている</level>
        <dimension id="area-a" title="分野A">
          <option level="1">まったくわからない</option>
          <option level="2">基礎的なことは理解している</option>
          <option level="3">他者に最低限の説明ができる</option>
          <option level="4">要点をつかんでおり、他者に伝えることができる</option>
          <option level="5">要点をつかんでおり、広範な知識をもち、他者にわかりやすく伝えることができる</option>
        <dimension id="area-b" title="分野B">
          <option level="1">まったくわからない</option>
          <option level="2">基礎的なことは理解している</option>
          <option level="3">他者に最低限の説明ができる</option>
          <option level="4">要点をつかんでおり、他者に伝えることができる</option>
          <option level="5">要点をつかんでおり、広範な知識をもち、他者にわかりやすく伝えることができる</option>
        <dimension id="products" title="成果物">
          <option level="1">成果物を提出できなかった</option>
          <option level="2">不完全な成果物を提出した</option>
          <option level="3">成果物を提出した</option>
          <option level="4">テーマに合致した成果物を提出した</option>
          <option level="5">独創的でテーマに合致した成果物を提出した</option>
    <field_template id="comment" type="text" title="振り返り" edit-auth="self" require="true"/>
    <field_template id="adviser-comment" type="text" title="アドバイザーコメント" edit-auth="adviser" require="true" />
    <field_template id="activity_date" type="date" title="日付" edit-auth="self"/>
    <field_template id="activity_text" type="text" title="活動内容" edit-auth="self"/>

After creating the XML file, register the portfolio.

  1. Specify the portfolio ID.

    shugaku carte admin settings id
    If you delete the portfolio you have registered once, you will not be able to view it, but the student’s input data will remain without being deleted. If you re-register with the same ID, you can view it again.
  2. Select XML file

  3. Click the [Register new] button to register.

Registering the portfolio does not mean that students can use it immediately. If you register a medical record here, you will be able to assign it to students.