Set authority

To start using the Log viewer plug-in, it is necessary to set authority. The Log viewer system administrator sets authority to give the specific user the right to use the features provided by the plug-in. When an authorized user logs in to WebClass, a link to the features will be displayed on the screen.

Required authority for Log viewer

Organizations and roles

In the Log viewer you must first create the "organizations" to limit the users of the plug-in. The organizations can be freely created according to the members who use the plug-in, for example, according to the groups, classes, research groups and sections, or according to the academic departments and faculties or according to general, upper-level and teaching license courses. When the organizations is created, you can add the members.

An example of creating an organization and members
Figure 1. An example of creating an organization and members

Even members within the same organization can do different things depending on their role. It takes time and effort to set the authority for each member, so you can group them by the role. Such a group is called “role”.

Examples of roles
Figure 2. Examples of roles

Set authority for each role

In the Log viewer, the authority is given to each role.

For example, if you are setting authority for the Teaching license portfolio plug-in,

  • To the “student” role, give an authority to “own and write in the personal portfolio".

  • To the “teacher” role, give an authority to “view the assigned user’s portfolio” and “write in the advisor’s field".

Once you set the authority in this way, when the authorized user logs in to WebClass, the links to the available features will be displayed in the screen.

Organizational hierarchy

Persons who manage multiple organizations need to be able to overview the entire organizations to check information and access student data. You can set the hierarchy for the Log viewer’s organizations.

Example of an organization with hierarchy
Figure 3. Example of an organization with hierarchy

In the above example, the organization "Department of Economics" is created under the organization "Faculty of Economics". In this state, by giving the "Head of Faculty" role the authority to "view the assigned user’s portfolio ", he will be able to view the portfolio of all the students belonging to the "Faculty of Economics" and lower-level organizations.

In this way, in the Log viewer, the organization configuration and the authority granted to the roles determine the range of user’s operation and the information that can be viewed.

Log viewer system administrator

Log viewer system administrator can perform organization management and authority setting for the Log viewer. By default, this authority is assigned to the WebClass system administrator, but authority can be granted to other users too.

Steps for setting authority

Display the Log viewer management screen

The Log viewer management screen can be accessed by the Log viewer system administrator or users with organization management authority.

organization management link

After logging in to WebClass, click “Log Viewer”> “Administration” and the Log viewer management screen will be displayed.

ip organizations

View the organizational information

organization member

When you access the Log viewer management screen, the organization management screen is displayed first. When you click each organization in the organization tree displayed on the left, organization information is displayed on the right

"Root" is a special organization that is the parent organization of all organizations. It exists from the beginning and the members cannot be added or deleted.

Add/Delete organization

  1. From the organization tree, select the "Root" or an organization to which you want to add subordinate organization.

  2. Click [Add] button of the subordinate organization. Select "Create New" or "Search and Add" an existing organization or "Add Course" created in WebClass.

    add organization
  3. If you select "Create New", enter "organization name" and click the "Add" button to create an organization.

To delete an organization, click the [Delete] button on the upper right of the organization screen.

Change organization members

organization member2

Click the menu "Members" in the Organization screen. From this screen, you can add or remove WebClass users as organization members.

  • To add members, click the [Add] button to open the Add Organization Member screen.

  • To delete a member, select the check box on the left of the target member and click the [Delete] button.

  • If you changed the role, click the [Save Role Changes] button to save.a

Batch register organizations using CSV file

ip organizations import

From the organization management screen, you can batch register an organization and its members using a CSV file.

CSV format
Field name Description


Organization ID


Parent organization ID


Organization name (required)


Organization name in English


Role ID


Role name

Enter one user ID for member registration in each column at the end. (Separate each user by comma)

Duplicate ID cannot be registered. If ID is not entered, alphanumeric characters will be randomly assigned.
To create more than one role in an organization, empty the second organization_name and enter the role_name followed by the member.

Specify a CSV file in "Organization Import", and click the [Import] button. To replace members, select "Delete old members and then add."

Organization scheduling

If you want to replace organization members regularly, you may use this feature. If you register the rotation schedule of organization members in the CSV file, the organization members will be replaced automatically at 0 o’clock on the specified day.

This feature is not enabled by default. For details, please contact the support desk (
organization scheduling

Open the organization management screen, and register the CSV file from "organization scheduling".

Set plug-ins

Set a plug-in for the use in the organization.

  1. In the Organization screen, click the menu "Plug-ins" and click the [Add] button.

  2. Select a plug-in and click the [Add] button to use it in that organization.

    add plugin
  3. To disable a plug-in, select the plug-in and click the [Remove] button.

It is necessary to set the data entry / viewing authority in the enabled plug-in.

organization setting

Settings can be changed from the menu "Settings".

For details on each authority, please refer to the manual of the plug-in.

After changing the settings, click the [Save authority Settings] button.

Recursively update the authority setting of subordinate organization

When you check and save “Recursively update the authority setting of subordinate organization”, the authority will be set for all subordinate organizations (not only the organizations that are directly under) in the same way as for the parent organization. If the plug-in is not added to the subordinate organization, it is added automatically.

Add / delete Log viewer system administrator

  1. In the Log viewer management screen, click “System” to display the Log viewer system screen.

  2. You can assign the Log viewer system administrator from [Add system administrator] in the "System administrator list".

    ip system
  3. To remove a user from the administrator list, check the target user and click the [Remove from administrator] button.

More features

Set authority for multiple organizations

When registering a large number of organizations, it takes time to set authority s for each organization. There is a way to set authority at once by making good use of the organization hierarchy. Here is an example of registering classes for the class evaluation questionnaire as an organization.

First, batch register the organizations, referring to “Batch register organizations using CSV file”. Create a CSV as below, and give the organization a hierarchical structure.

organization_id parent_organization_id organization_name role_name


Course evaluation survey









Basic EnglishⅠ







Basic EnglishⅡ






The trick is to set the organization_id arbitrarily for the parent organization and set the parent organization’s ID to the parent_organization_id of the subordinate organization.

It is displayed in the organization tree as follows;

organization tree

You have set up your organization and members. Next, set the authority.

  1. Open the organizational information screen of the “Class Evaluation Questionnaire” that is the top of the hierarchy in the created organization.

    survey management member
  2. Add the required plug-in (here "Class Evaluation Questionnaire").

    add survey plugin
  3. Set the authority of each manager, class teacher, and student as below, check "Automatically update the authority setting of subordinate organization" and save.

    survey auth

This completes the authority settings. Open the sub-organization settings screen and check that the authority settings are reflected.

course auth

It has been confirmed that the authority is reflected in all subordinate organizations.

Delegate the organizational management authority

This feature is available in v4.2.0 and above

If you want another user to manage only some of the organizations, you can delegate organization management authority for the specific organizations.

sub organization
Figure 4. I manage the entire organization (Reflective portfolio), but I want the local staff to manage a subordinate organization (Freshman).

You can use the following procedure to set organization management authority for specific organization roles;

  1. Select the organization to which you want to grant organization management authority from the organization tree and click.

  2. Click on Organization "Settings".

  3. Select the role to which you want to grant the organization management authority, and check the "Organization management" > "Organization management" authority.

    auth organization management
  4. Click the [Save authority settings] button.

The organizational management authority includes the management of all subordinate organizations. This does not affect any authority setting of the subordinate organizations.
management on menu

Users with organization management authority can view the “Learning Record Viewer”> “Administration” link on the screen after login.

Click the link to display the organization management screen.

organization management

The user with organization management authority has the following restrictions compared to the Log viewer administrator;

  • The user can only access to organizations (and subordinate organizations) for which he has the organization management authority. The same applies to organization export and import.

  • The user can add organizations only below the organization to which he has the management authority.

  • The user cannot add any course when adding subordinate organizations.

  • The system screen cannot be displayed.