Chrome 80


Chrome for Desktop 80 was released on the 5th Feb.

Release schedules of Chrome browser

You can see the schedules below.

Chrome 80

You can see the release notes of chrome browser. Remember you should find the title of "Stable Channel Update for Desktop" because the other product channel's one is also listed.

When it comes to the release note of Chrome 80, here is a url.

Acording to the page above, there are few text about functional changes instead of a number of security fixes.

For developer, here is a index page of reports about Chrome 80.

Then, this is a new in chrome 80.

This is a report about JavaScript engine changes.

This is a CSS/JS Platform API changes.

This is a report about the removed or deprecated things.

Some new limitations for pageloading with javascript were added inChrome 80. When a page is being closed, window open function or syncronus XMLHttpRequest will not work.

Pickup for webclass

Acording to the release notes, I think there are nothing special of changes to prepare for using webclass.